Ear Nose and Throat Specialist Clinic


Before Surgery
Please call the hospital the day before surgery to confirm your admission details
Please take all X-rays and CT scans, etc with you to the hospital and remember to take them with you when you go home
Please notify your surgeon or local doctor if you develop a cold, sore throat, cough or other symptom of illness before your surgery
Check all costs prior to surgery and be aware of any out of pocket expenses
The Day Of Surgery
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight except for water and your usual medication
This means no candy, coffee, chewing gum or food of any type
Take all your usual medications on the morning of your procedure with a sip of water
If you have diabetes and are on insulin do not take any insulin on the morning of your procedure unless you were told to do so by your surgeon or anaesthetist
Before you leave home you may shower and brush your teeth
Contact lenses or glasses must be removed before your procedure
Do not wear face, eye makeup or nail polish
To protect your valuables please remove all jewellery before you arrive – this includes rings, wedding rings, watches, earrings, necklaces and hair clips
Please bring someone with you to accompany you the day of surgery – this person will:
Arrive with you at the hospital the day of surgery
Accompany you to the Pre-Op area
Keep your valuables in their possession until it is time to leave the hospital
Remain in the waiting room until notified by your surgical team that you have had your surgery and are in the recovery room
If you must bring children please bring two responsible people with you – one to surpervise the children and one to accompany you
After Surgery
When you are ready to leave your companion will:
Help you prepare to go home
Accompany you when a nurse explains your post-operative instructions
Sign your discharge forms
Assist you to your car
Drive you home after surgery
Please remember that your companion must be of legal driving age – you will not be able to drive home and will not be able to drive for 48 hours after general anaesthesia